Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Earth Week?

As we all know, Earth Day has just been celebrated. It is the best time of year for this holiday to be celebrated because, let's be honest... Spring, especially at Elon University is the best and most beautiful time of the year. The main purpose of Earth Day (which might as well be referred to as Earth Week because there are activities all week) is to increase awareness of the conditions of Earth and to spread awareness on how we impact the Earth in which we live in. If schools all over the nation can spread awareness and participate in events to benefit the environment, then it is clear how easy it is for just one person to do things to help as well. There are many simple things that an individual can do that in the long run, can help the environment in which we live in by multitudes.

1. Pay attention to how much water you use. When you brush your teeth, turn off the faucet while you are doing the actual brushing. Is there any purpose to leave the water running? NO! Limit the length of your shower. Play a game with yourself and see how fast you can get clean. And we all know the saying "if it's yellow let it mellow; if it's brown flush it down"!
2. Walk, run, bike! If we leave our cars at home for 2 days every week, each individual will decrease green house gas emissions by 1,590 pounds every year! You are also at the same time, being healthier and more active.
3. Recycle, Reuse, Recycle. If we recycle then it will cut down the amount of resources that are used to make more products. Using products that are reused results in less waste. When it comes to buying products, choose the one with the least packaging. Using recyclable products for a year would be equivalent to taking 400 cars off of the roads.
4. Compost. If we reduce the amount of waste we produce, then it will decrease the amount of solid waste  we use, then it will take up less space in landfills. It also makes a very good natural fertilizer. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone!

Be the change!

1 comment:

  1. one would think it was easy for lots of reasons it isn't or does not seem to be anyway. How can you raise awareness among your own peers so being green is cool.
